Enkulu Co., LTD Apps

Uspell - Master pronunciation 3.0.1
USpell - Master English pronunciation inAnywhere at Anytime.We believe anyone can use English as a native. And we believe ifyou master English pronunciation, you will speak English reallygreat and gain the respect of your friends, your partners or anyoneelse. Thus, we create USpell for helping you master Englishpronunciation easily.With this app, you can:- Learn how to pronounce American English sounds with awesomeAmerican teacher.- Offline learning - Practice over, over and over again withoutInternet required.- Get instant rates for your speech.- Set reminder to remind learning English every 3 days.Features:- Completed English pronunciation course. Included 20 lessons ofvowels and 24 lessons of consonants.- Provide "magic mirror" and wonderful videos to help you imitatethe teacher.- Test your pronouncing skill with virtual assistant.- Get score for your skill test.Just enjoy the app and master English pronunciation!